The BMW X Lifestyle Park offers a controlled environment in which you can test your car’s abilities under the guidance of seasoned instructors. The 1,3 km off-road track contains twelve off-road modules and was specifically developed to showcase the capabilities of the xDrive system. The BMW X off-road experience is more than just fun, though. It puts your mind at ease knowing that if you ever end up in a sticky situation, you’d be just fine. The X-series BMW can handle whatever the road throws at it - be it water crossings, loose sand or steep inclines. Need to know ~ 
  • Courses take place at BMW's X Lifestyle Park, Midrand.
  • Allow half a day for this experience.
  • Courses take place on prescheduled dates.
  • Pre-Booking essential.
  • BMW Off-Road Vehicles are provided.
  • Vehicles are shared.
  • Courses take place in all weather conditions.