What on earth is a pleasure flight? That’s what I wanted to know. And after a bit of research, I discovered that it is not as dirty as it sounds and has nothing to do with the mile high club. I actually have no idea why they call it that. It is simply a trip in a light aircraft, like a vintage plane or a biplane or even a helicopter.

A pleasure flight might be pleasurable, I will not deny that, but surely there are other words to describe this experience because, personally, I think it gives off the wrong impression. On this note, imagine for a second what a real pleasure flight might entail…are you imagining? You can finish this post later if necessary…

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I can imagine bottles of champagne on polished dark wood tables with velvet couches and satin pillows and tinted windows (no one wants a bird looking in on you) and strawberries and chocolate and…Anyway…you get the idea…this, in my opinion, would be a pleasure flight.

It seems to me that scenic flights are more or less the same thing; the only difference may be that scenic flights use modern light aircraft and helicopters and pleasure flights could involve vintage planes. This is my conclusion after my limited session on Google.  So maybe what makes pleasure flights so pleasurable is the fact that you are in a vintage plane…I don’t know, I am really just grabbing at straws.

I don’t know why this name perturbs me so much, but either way, I think it is a delightful way to spend an afternoon. It looks like you could fit quite a few people into a light aircraft which then makes a pleasure/scenic flight a great family outing. Before, I would have assumed that a pleasure flight is not appropriate for the whole family at all but it seems that I am definitely wrong.

The routes that these planes fly seem to be over specific landmarks. So, if you were in Cape Town you would fly over Table Mountain or Robin Island or Signal Hill. If you were somewhere in America you might fly over the Grand Canyon or the Statue of Liberty or Las Vegas. And if you were in Great Britain you would, I assume, fly over many many many castles and maybe even get a glimpse of the Loch Ness Monster…oooh, wouldn’t that be exciting.

Let me lay my sarcasm to rest (sometimes it just jumps out at the most inappropriate times) and say that I would thoroughly enjoy a pleasure flight (even if there are no strawberries) and I know that a scenic flight would be just as amazing. As with the microlight flights, you get an opportunity to see spectacular things from a different angel – the difference with pleasure/scenic flights is that you can share this experience with friends and family as well…and I am sure you could bring your own bottle of champagne along – seeing the world from the sky is definitely something worth celebrating.

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Written and prepared for by Klara Loots