Let’s face it – sometimes it’s impossible to buy a gift that really has the “wow” factor. If you’re tired of spending year after year trolling the malls in search for a ‘different’ soap-on-a-rope or a gift set that will truly pamper your loved one – read this post for some inspiration. I promise you won’t get that look that screams “Ah, thanks. I’ll add this one to the collection at the very back of my cupboard.”

“I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.” – Oscar Wilde

Why You Should Consider Changing to Gift Experiences

When we buy gifts, we want it to last forever (or as close to forever as possible), but there’s no point in buying something that doesn’t truly make an impact on the receiver. Remember – the secret to truly gifting is to let go. It’s not about how it makes you feel, but rather about how the receiver feels.

Oftentimes, we would take someone out to dinner on their birthday, and that’s most often appreciated, but it doesn’t give us (the giver) that fulfilled feeling. Yet, that’s probably the nicest thing you can do for a discerning birthday boy or girl. Many special moments are created around food:

  • Baking cookies with your granny when you were a child
  • Your mom’s roast chicken Sunday lunches
  • Your first date at an Italian restaurant
  • The canapes at a work party
  • Christmas lunch at home with the whole family

You might as well get in on the act and buy that special person a taste experience. Whether it’s a birthday, mother’s day, father’s day or graduation gift, there are many ways to create lasting memories through spectacular experiences.

“Taste is a mystery.” – Daniel Mendelsohn

Great Examples of Taste Gift Experiences

Hands-on, memorable taste gift experiences that will make a huge impact, include cooking lessons (including a romantic cooking evening for two) and sushi lessons. Don’t want to slave away in the kitchen? How about discovering the history and taste of chocolate, or a chocolate tasting and lunch for two?

If you know where to look, gifts will never be boring again. All you need to keep in mind is the receiver’s personal preferences and then you can match it to an ever-expanding range of taste gift experiences on Celestial Gifts.

#GiftExperiences #GiftVouchers #GreatExperienceGifts
