With the awesomeness that is the World Wide Web, we can do so much online, We can pay bills, we can send e-cards, we can make friends, we can keep in touch with people on the other side of the world in a matter of seconds, we can do research, we can share photos and movies – the amount of different things that you can do on the internet is endless. The other thing that can be done now is to buy presents online in South Africa or anywhere else in the world.

Basically anything can be bought over the Internet. From the simple gifts like flowers, chocolates and cards to more elaborate gifts such as jewellery, appliances and even cars. Who needs shops anymore? I will tell you who…I do. I need shops because I actually enjoy walking around (for not longer than an hour) and looking at all the things, picking them up, touching them, talking to people, getting their opinion – I enjoy the experience of shopping in a mall and I think I would not find it as enjoyable to buy presents online in South Africa.

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Yes, I can imagine that to buy presents online in South Africa , or where ever you are in the world, saves a lot of time but then you are missing out the shopping experience but then again, I guess there are many people who hate going to the shops and on the other end of the spectrum there are people who physically can’t go to the shops.

Imagine spending years of your life relying on other people to do your shopping, pay your bills and buy the gifts you need to buy and then the Internet comes a long. Now you are pretty much independent again (or for the first time in your life) because you can now buy presents online in South Africa, do your shopping and your banking all from the comfort of your own home.

If I suddenly found myself living in America then I would buy presents online in South Africa because then I could get gifts that were specifically South African. But I am not in America so shopping I will continue do the old fashioned way. There are, however, certain things that I do not enjoy doing and going out to do. Banking is one of those things. Standing the queues, waiting and then finally you get your turn and it takes forever. Internet banking is something I couldn’t do without – it has definitely made my life easier.

Ultimately, no one can argue that the World Wide Web hasn’t made our lives a lot easier but I do think that there are still some things that are more enjoyable when you actually go and do them. Living a life in front of your computer is not a life (that’s what I think anyway). You have to go and experience the world, the real world and not get sucked into an online world and maybe get lost forever. With Wii you can probably even take a walk in a park without leaving your home – if you get to this point I suggest you switch off you TV or laptop and go take a real walk in the real outside in a real park and then decide which is better – I doubt very much that it will be the Wii park.

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Written and prepared for by Klara Loots